
Ultrafast Optical Phenomena

PHYS/ELEC 569: Spring 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
This course covers the generation, propagation, and measurement of short laser pulses, of duration less than one picosecond. Concepts include mode locking, the effects of dispersion, optical pulse amplification, and time-domain non-linear optical phenomena. Intended as an introduction to ultrafast phenomena for graduate students or advanced undergraduates; a basic understanding of electromagnetic waves and of quantum mechanics is assumed.

Quantum Mechanics for Engineers

ELEC 361: Fall 2024
This course provides the background in quantum mechanics and solid state physics necessary for further studies in semiconductor optoelectronic devices, quantum electronics, nanoscience, and photonics. Examples include: electronic energy levels in semiconductor quantum wells and superlattices; tunneling phenomena in semiconductor devices; the Kronig-Penney model; crystal momentum, effective mass, and Bloch oscillations; band structure of graphene and carbon nanotubes; and introduction to quantum information science.

Optoelectronic Devices

ELEC 462/562: Fall 2023
This course provides an introduction to the fundamental principles of semiconductor optoelectronic devices. After reviewing the basic elements of quantum mechanics of electrons and photons, light-matter interaction (including laser oscillations), and semiconductor physics (band structure, heterostructures and alloys, optical processes), the details of modern semiconductor devices for the generation, detection, and modulation of light are studied.