Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with an in situ tunable magnetic field

Our paper about Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with an in situ tunable magnetic field is published in Review of Scientific Instruments.

Historically, ARPES and in situ magnetic fields have been carefully avoided as they are detrimental to the control of photoelectron trajectory during the photoelectron detection process. However, magnetic field is an important experimental knob for both probing and tuning symmetry-breaking phases and electronic topology in quantum materials. In this paper, we introduce an easily implementable method for realizing an in situ tunable magnetic field at the sample position in an ARPES experiment and analyze magnetic-field-induced artifacts in the ARPES data. Read more: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 093902 (2023)

Magnetically tuned continuous transition from weak to strong coupling in terahertz magnon polaritons

Our paper about Magnetically tuned continuous transition from weak to strong coupling in terahertz magnon polaritons is published in Physical Review Research.

Here, highly tunable light-matter hybrids, magnon polaritons, have been realized in an orthoferrite crystal driven by terahertz radiation in an external magnetic field. As the magnetic field is swept, a continuous transition from weak to strong coupling via an exceptional point due to a magnetic-field-dependent light-matter coupling strength is observed. Read more: Phys. Rev. Research 5, L012039 (2023)